Someone Has Referred You to a Prospective Client: Now What?

For the last Becoming Referable podcast of 2017, we’re pleased to be joined by George Hartman, CEO of Market Logics, Inc.

George’s 40-plus-year career as an advisor, executive, coach and consultant spans both the insurance and investment industries. He is an insightful industry observer, speaker and consultant, as well as author of several best-selling books, the latest of which is Exit is NOT a Four Letter Word – How to Transition Your Practice Profitably and Proudly.

In this episode, we explore the question: someone has referred you to a prospective client – now what? Click below the image to listen to the podcast.

We look at the current and future influences on how investors research advisors, what kind of information they look for (and in what formats), and how advisors can start building a relationship with those investors early, to ensure they become clients. George stresses the importance of having a clear niche, so that your online messaging is relevant for the clients you specifically want to attract. We look at the role of conversation, trust, and feedback in making yourself referable and differentiating your firm.

Related: Why You're Always Talking About Your Referability