4 Ways to Attract Millennial Clients

As Millennials begin to establish careers and take over the consumer market, businesses have been struggling to adapt to their preferences and needs. Words like “lazy,” “entitled,” and “sensitive” dominate the headlines and create a bias against this generation that can dissuade businesses from focusing on the next generation of clients. However, as Baby Boomers begin to retire and make up less of the consumer market, businesses need to adapt and redesign their marketing strategy . Here are some tips to help make Millennials feel supported and included in your business plan.

Be Direct

Perhaps more than any previous generation, Millennials want to get straight to the point. When designing your website and marketing materials, use direct language about what your company offers and the values you embody. Headlines and bullet points are particularly effective for this demographic, especially when citing hard numbers and statistics. While marketing to previous generations relied mostly on emotional appeals, Millennials are more likely to immediately search for the facts about what you deliver, so be sure you’re being direct and straightforward with your marketing message.

Monitor Third Party Reviews

Constant access to the internet allows the younger generations to be more thorough in their research, whether they’re buying a single product or signing up for a service. Ensure your company stands out by monitoring third party reviews and opinions about your business and addressing any complaints that arise immediately. Asking loyal clients to leave reviews on Google Places for Business, Yelp, or the BBB can help kickstart your online reputation and appeal to those who do their research!

Get Involved in Your Community

If you’ve been watching marketing trends over the past year, you’ve likely seen a trend of “woke” marketing designed to appeal to Millennials. Corporations now take political stances to drum up an audience and create buzz surrounding the causes they support. While your business might not want to take this to the extreme, you can still mention charities you support and what values matter most to you in the about page on your website. Posting photos from charity events and fundraisers that you attend is another way to emphasize the good you’re doing in the world, which is essential to catching the eye of Millennial activists.Related: Time to Reevaluate Your Ideal Client

Try Organic Marketing Channels

The biggest difference between Millennials and the previous generations are how they respond to marketing in general. Growing up in an environment inundated with ads has made them more critical—and even cynical—about the blatant consumerism that surrounds them. That’s why companies targeting Millennials have turned towards more organic means, using word of mouth and influencers to expose people to their brand. Though you may not have the funds to pay $250,000 for an Instagram post by Kylie Jenner, you can still integrate this strategy into your marketing. Encourage your current clients to spread the word by sharing your posts or talking about your brand on social media, and perhaps enter them into a raffle for their influence. An positive review from a passionate client is worth its weight in gold when working with a media-savvy audience like Millennials.While some businesses still resist marketing to Millennials, it’s essential to integrate them into your marketing as demographics shift. They are poised to dominate the consumer market in the next few years and learning how to appeal to their open and direct approach to life will help your brand succeed in the changing market.