Leaders: Get off Intention Island!

“Cogito Ergo Sum.”

This Latin expression, which translates to “I think, therefore I am”, was written by Rene Descartes in 1644. While Descartes was true to assume that critical thinking is essential for effective planning and management, is thinking enough? Of course not.

It is interesting to note that while Descartes was a thinker, he translated his thoughts into words, (i.e. his actions), and thus became one of the most influential philosophers of all time.

No matter what we call it…when you want to take action on something…your intention is only the first step. We can have the “best of intent” but unless we take action…unless we take that first step towards the outcomes we want, our intention is just a useless piece of land surrounded by deep water. So do all that you can to swim away from “Intention Island.” And move towards actions and results.

Outcomes. Goals. Results. Vision.

Our goals can change. They should change. Our life changes. Organizations change. Things happen. Sometimes expected and many times un-expected. We need to be able to evolve, to bend, to be flexible. But we still need to keep our eyes on our targets, our goals, our outcomes. We still need to measure our progress towards our vision, otherwise we will never move off “Intention Island.”

Charting your outcomes enables you to keep track of your progress towards your desired end results, no matter the detours our lives may take. As you find your VOICE as a Leader, charting your outcomes aligned to your values is critical in moving from intent to action. Build your bridge...learn to swim...float on a raft...but don't stay marooned on Intention Island like other leaders!

Finding your V-O-I-C-E as a leader means discovering your core Values; creating a compelling vision to obtain the Outcomes you want; building relationships with Influence and credibility; making decisions that use your Courage to stand alone; and communicating your overall Expression for lasting impact.

As a leader, it is necessary for you to re-design Descartes’ philosophy into “I do, therefore I am”.

Life is too short not to find your VOICE as a leader. What are you waiting for?