Stop Sharing Content, Start Delivering Value as a Financial Advisor

It’s Friday afternoon in November around 4 PM. I am following up with a financial advisor I coach about feedback on another terrific webinar he did today for clients and prospects. Attendance was great, the content was great and usually, I have something of value to add, but not today. Today was about acknowledging the actions he has taken. The response I got back shocked me.

Advisors getting glowing testimonials

The financial advisor sent his most recent testimonial from one of the clients who joined his weekly webinar. Yes, you heard me correctly a weekly webinar for his clients! The testimonial from a client singing his praise, but promoting their advisor to colleagues bragging about their advisor, and asking them if their advisor is doing a weekly webinar. The email said, ”Who else does that?” The colleagues responded by saying they have only gotten emails from their financial advisor usually, but this email said, that the client “wasn’t even graced by an email”. Imagine how your clients feel if you have not spoken to them by now. Even worse their statement comes out this week and you have not even called them. Say goodbye to your advisor.

What are you delivering of value?

It got me thinking of what other advisors are doing. Sure you are sending out emails to clients, you may also be doing calls, but are you doing webinars to clients and prospects? As my favorite formula, one race car Lewis Hamilton said:” I don’t aspire to be like other drivers, I aspire to be unique in my own way”. Are you doing the same as every other advisor out there, or are you being unique in your own way? 

Stop sharing content and start demonstrating value

We all can share content on social media, that’s easy. But showing your true value, putting yourself out there and doing webinars for clients and prospects creates tremendous activity, confidence, and initiative. I am encouraging you as a financial professional to be unique, be creative and consider webinars and other ideas to show your value. Tell clients and prospects about your go-forward plans for the next 12 months (that I help advisors build and communicate) Consider one webinar to get started, that may bridge into a monthly webinar and who knows, possibly a weekly one as well. 

Cool ideas

Here are some other unique ideas. Do a webinar for your clients, and hire a comedian to entertain people and have some fun. Have lunch with a client and spend time with your best clients on non-investment conversations. This builds trust and loyalty. Send cool ideas to clients and prospects through delivery such as ebooks. One financial advisor sent an Amazon package to a prospect with a video camera, microphone, and headset, to get them online for a video call. Guess who has a new client now. Be creative in the current environment and try something out of the box. 

Related: Client Exit: What Were They Not Getting From You as a Financial Advisor?