Is Wealth Management Only for the Wealthy?

How much money do you need to have access to wealth management?

In a world where wealth seems synonymous with exclusivity, it’s time to shatter the misconception that wealth management is reserved for the affluent few!

In this eye-opening episode, Jim Kruzan, CFP®, CRPC®, empowers individuals at every stage of life to make informed decisions about their financial future, whether it’s planning for retirement, funding higher education, or conquering debt.

Jim discusses:

  • The invaluable power of accessible wealth management
  • 5 stages of wealth creation to navigate life’s most important events
  • How Kaydan Wealth Management’s suite of scalable services makes wealth management easily accessible
  • Why early career choices, seemingly unrelated, may morph into large deficits later in life

Related: What It Means to Have a Bigger, Bolder Retirement